Blog de WarGods_Fr dédié à la gamme de jeu WarGods (Ægyptus dans un premier temps puis Olympus et Hyperborea dans un second) crée par Crocodile Games. Ce blog a pour but de présenter la plupart des sujets de discussion de WarGods_Fr sous forme d'article, les gens peuvent commenter en répondant directement sur le Y!G. Le Grand Blup propose aussi un forum communautaire ici même (dont vous pouvez suivre le flux RSS ci-dessous).

dimanche 26 décembre 2010

Seasons Greetings from Crocodile Games

Un mail pour noël de quoi se réchauffer !!
Date : mardi 14 décembre 2010 02:11
À : Benoit
Objet : Seasons Greetings from Crocodile Games
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Crocodile Games Newsletter

Seasons Greetings from Crocodile Games!

Have you noticed a lot of snow lately?  The Wendigo have arrived, with a cool new book - the Wendigo Warband Guide, featuring the rules and background for playing the Wendigo faction for WarGods. This book is 48 pages and printed in full-color, and includes 2 sheets of Hyperborea-themed Command Counters.
The Wendigo Warband Guide was written by Chris FitzPatrick, with additional stories throughout the book by Ryan Markle. It is lavishly illustrated with beautiful artwork from Des Hanley and John Wigley. It features graphic design by Brian Roe and a gallery of stunning Croc miniatures painted by Marike Reimer. This book is a must have for any WarGods fan!

The book is NOW AVAILABLE online from and from retail game stores worldwide. If your local game store does not have the books, let 'em know that they can get them from our US distributors, Alliance and Warpath.

WG-02  Wendigo Warband Guide    $24.95   plus shipping

Christmas Coupons from Santa Croc!

As a special thank you to all our customers, past and present, we are offering 20% off all miniatures in the Croc Online Store.  This coupon is valid until January 1, 2010.  Simply enter the coupon code in the promo code box when you review your order, and you'll save 20% on all miniatures in the cart.  This discount does not apply to shipping costs.

We will also be sending out a free sneak preview figure of one of our upcoming units, with each valid coupon order.

Visit us online at:
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jeudi 9 décembre 2010

Crocodile Games - Wendigo Warband Guide Now Available!

J'ai reçu mon livret de règles. Il est bien beau. Tout en couleur, des illustrations de Des Anley très belles et inédites pour la plupart, 2 fiches de Pions d'Ordres sur le thème wendigo.
En plus des règles des Wendigo retrouvez aussi les règles pour jouer en campagne, une campagne en arborescence et un scénario original, le tout agrémenté de nouvelles et de pages eavy metal !!
Bref n'attendez plus !
Pour le test grandeur nature de l'armée rendez-vous à Noël j'espère.

Wendigo Warband Guide Now Available!

Wendigo Book
Brrrrrr! It's cold out there, the snow is falling and the nights are getting longer – the perfect climate for the Wendigo to arrive from the snow covered mountains of Hyperborea!
Crocodile Games is pleased to announce the arrival of our new book – The Wendigo Warband Guide, featuring the rules and background for playing the Wendigo faction for WarGods. This book is 48 pages and printed in full-color, and includes 2 sheets of Hyperborea-themed Command Counters.
The Wendigo Warband Guide was written by Chris FitzPatrick, with additional stories throughout the book by Ryan Markle. It is lavishly illustrated with beautiful artwork from Des Hanley and John Wigley. It features graphic design by Brian Roe and a gallery of stunning Croc miniatures painted by Marike Reimer. This book is a must have for any WarGods fan!
The book is NOW AVAILABLE online from and from retail game stores worldwide. If your local game store does not have the books, let 'em know that they can get them from our US distributors, Alliance and Warpath.

Yahoo! Groupes

Photos from Canterbury Tournament


Des photos du tournoi de Canterbury ça donne envie.

Que fait on pour notre affaire de janvier à Sartrouville on laisse tomber ?
Ou bien on lance la chose avec 3 personnes de "sûr" ?


Yahoo! Groupes

Crocodile Games - Message: New Miniatures for Aegyptus

Des starter pour les To-Tanem, Kmeru et Anubi pour l'année 2011 !! Bonne nouvelle.
Posted: Sunday, Nov 28, 2010 at 12:56 PM
New Aegyptus minis that are planned for next year include Warband Starter Sets for the To-Tanem, Khemru, and Anubi. Note, these will not contain all-new miniatures, but any of the new minis in the sets will be available on our online store for the 6 weeks after the set's release, so that players who already have some of the minis in the set don't have to buy a bunch of extra stuff. It's too early to say when these will be ready.
There are also a few suprises planned, especially around the summer, as we'll be celebrating the Croc's 10th anniversary then.
If you are looking for a Heru Hero, do you have the original Heru Hero sculpted by Ben Siens? (It is pointing, and has a Pole Arm). The mini is discontinued, but Debs may have a couple in the bins, if you want one.

Yahoo! Groupes

Twitter / Crocodile Games: Great News! The Wendigo Bo ...

Parfait !
"Great News! The Wendigo Books have finally arrived and we are on our way to pick them up! Watch for updates and photos over the next 24hrs! Il y a environ 2 heures via web "

Yahoo! Groupes

lundi 22 novembre 2010

Traduction WarGods - Livre de Règles

Madmanu questionne :
Merci Manu... Vraiment de dommage étant donné que tu es une force vive dans la traduction des documents WarGods. Ah, de ce côté-là, j'essaierai au moins d'être disponible !
D'ailleurs il me semble que tu souhaitais revoir la traduction actuelle des règles ?
C'est toujours dans un coin, ou on attends la v3 ?

Pas trop de temps en ce moment. Je n'arrive pas à récupérer Markzware Q2ID pour convertir les fichiers Quark en Indesign pour la mise en page et permettre une édition plus simple...

Si on doit attendre la v3 on a le temps ;) Le premier projet sera sûrement le livre Wendigo.

Yahoo! Groupes

mardi 16 novembre 2010

Wargames Fourndry - Spartan Preview

Ça marche pas mal pour eux !!

Spartan Preview

11-Nov-2010 A quick preview of Tim's latest work-in-progress for our Spartan set:

We'll show off more as we go - and also of the Classic Greek Hoplites also in development. These will join the Amazons, Persians, Persian Cavalry, and a couple other sets to flesh out our growing Legacy of the Greeks range!
Yahoo! Groupes

Wargames Factory - Amazon Test Shots - First Assembled Plastics


Amazon Test Shots - First Assembled Plastics

10-Nov-2010 The ladies are in the house and ready to rumble!

This will be our second set (after the Persian Infantry) for our new Legacy of the Greeks range - and our first in a series of Amazon sets that reveal their history from 500 BCE to 2408 and beyond!

There will be 24 figures in the set and it's a BIG one with options to turn them into classic hoplites, pike-women, and any number of skirmishers (bow, javelin, sling, kopis, Greek straight sword, sagaris, and a uniquely Amazon weapon - the castratas! ouch.) The set features 3 types of shield (including pelta and hoplon), 3 types of helmets, and 10 unique head choices altogether with some other bits and pieces in the mix!

Without further ado - a few shots of some quickly assembled figures to give you a sense of what's in store:

Yahoo! Groupes

Traduction - Ra (le Dieux Solaire)

Votez dès aujourd'hui ! Un nouveau sondage a été créé pour le groupe WarGods_fr :

Traduction - Ra (le Dieux Solaire)

o Rê
o Ra
o Râ

Pour voter, allez sur :

Remarque : Les votes n'étant pas recueillis par e-mail, merci de ne pas répondre à ce message mais sur Yahoo! Groupes.

lundi 15 novembre 2010

Scibor Miniatures - Spartan Accessories set 1


Tale of War miniatures - Colosso

Vous chercheriez un chasseur de Titans ?

Yahoo! Groupes

Projet Rencontre Ludiques @ Sartrouville JFJ'11

L'équipe des JFJ de Sartrouville en les personnes de Barbouille, SebRom et Igor m'a sollicité lors de la GNFX pour savoir si je pouvais être intéressé par organiser quelques chose lors de l'édition 2011 les 15 et 16 janvier.

J'avoue que dans le poste d'arbitre orga je rouille un peu mais comme j'ai des heures à rattraper pour mon boulot ça pourrait être sympa de se faire ce rassemblement WarGods tant attendu. Donc dans l'optique que j'arrive à me libérer à cette date...

Je sais aussi que la date n'est pas franchement terrible pour certains car ça tombe sur un French Waaagh Day.

En vrac :
* L'idée est de proposer des parties liées où chacun fait avancer l'histoire.
* Les scénarios devraient être piochés et remaniés dans la campagne mondiale 2010.
* 5 créneaux horaires (genre Sam > 9-12h / 13-16h / 17-19h Dim > 9-12h / 13-16h). Les gens s'inscrivent à celui qu'il veulent via un sondage google.

L'inscription se fera aussi via T³ pour rendre la chose bien visible et attirer les gens.

Est ce que ça en botte certains ?

Les détails sur l'histoire arriveront en fonction de la motivation de chacun...

Yahoo! Groupes

Traduction - Warband

Votez dès aujourd'hui ! Un nouveau sondage a été créé pour le groupe WarGods_fr :

Traduction - Warband

o Escorte
o Bande
o Bande de Guerre
o Suite
o Compagnie

Pour voter, allez sur :

Yahoo! Groupes

samedi 23 octobre 2010

Immortal Miniatures News Letter

Toujours au top avec du plastique sympatique.

Finally some news!

Sorry for the long silence....
Its been a while since the last news letter, but rest assured I have been very busy!

New Plastic Greeks Up For Pre-Order!
These have been delayed since the initial announcement, but I wanted to take the time to get everything just how I want it and have some new meta's to release along side the plastics.
Without further delay the Classical Greek Hoplites and Spartan Hoplites are now available for pre-order with a shipping date beginning the week of the 1st November.

New Greek Metals on the way...
To coincide with the release of the plastic figures will be 3 new command sets, a new cavalry pack and new musicians. Shortly followed by peltasts, Thracians and heavy cavalry.
Here's a couple of pre-views...

As you can see, I have changed my horses to Ebob ones. I want my figures to be as good as possible and I felt some of the current horses could be better. You can expect lots more Greek cavalry shortly....
The following pictures are new command packs, all painted and photographed by the very talented Andrew Taylor

Delay with orders..
Due to organizing this new release there is a slight delay with orders at the moment. I am aware that dispatch time can be a weakness with small businesses, so I am looking into an opportunity that will allow me to process and dispatch orders in a much quicker time. I'll keep everyone posted on this.

Toute la discussion (1)

Yahoo! Groupes

dimanche 17 octobre 2010

Wendigo Warband Guide PDF

Je viens de recevoir mon Wendigo Warband Guide PDF. Bien sympa tout ça aussi bien sur la forme (mise en page, illustrations top) que sur le contenu ... Je vais me l'imprimer histoire de faire remonter des coquilles avant le 18.

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Crocodile Games Sales
Date : mercredi 13 octobre 2010 17:55
À :  Dreadaxe
Objet : Wendigo Warband Guide PDF

Greetings Benoit!

First off, thank you for pre-ordering the Wendigo Warband Guide. Printing this book is a big expense for a small company, and support from customers such as yourself is what makes projects such as this possible. So thanks again!

We hope you'll enjoy this PDF, but please do not share this document with others, or post it anywhere online. If you have friends who want a copy, by all means send them to the Croc store -- we'd love to send them one of their own.

Oh, and if you happen to notice any mistakes (heaven forbid!) in the text over the next few days, don't hesitate to email them to me. We'll be able to make small corrections during the pre-press phase of the printing (which will likely be done next monday, Oct 18).

Thanks again for your support, and I hope you enjoy your preview of the Wendigo Warband Guide. Oh, and if you like what you see, please help spread the word... the best advertisement a game can have is the testimony of a potential opponent!


--Chris & Debs FitzPatrick
Crocodile Games
Crocodile Games Sales
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Crocodile Games - Press: Wendigo Warband Guide Update

Le Wendigo Warband Guide est en prévente. Vous pouvez le commander tout de suite. Hâte de sortir mon armée de Wendigo avec un bouquin complet.

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Sphere Wars - Adeptos de Malesur - Hombre Águila

De quoi faire du Heru ou du Asar de Hiérakompolis et pourquoi pas un count as porte-étendard ou capitaine.
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[Proxy] Amazon plastique chez Warlord Factory


Crocodile Games - Nouveautés d'octobre