Blog de WarGods_Fr dédié à la gamme de jeu WarGods (Ægyptus dans un premier temps puis Olympus et Hyperborea dans un second) crée par Crocodile Games. Ce blog a pour but de présenter la plupart des sujets de discussion de WarGods_Fr sous forme d'article, les gens peuvent commenter en répondant directement sur le Y!G. Le Grand Blup propose aussi un forum communautaire ici même (dont vous pouvez suivre le flux RSS ci-dessous).

lundi 17 février 2020

WarGods of Olympus - first sample book


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lundi 10 février 2020

WarGods of Olympus print proofs have arrived!


C'est parti pour la vérification du bon à tirer

Olympus print proofs have arrived!
Greetings Olympus backers!
Happy New Year!  We have some exciting news on the Olympus rulebook... the print proofs have arrived! Print proofs are sample prints from the printer, to fine-tune the final product and ensure the final product will be correct.  We look these over, make any corrections that are necessary, and then approve them for the final run.
Check out the pics below:

Cover wet proof
Two Titans help show off the 'wet proof' of the cover, an image printed on the actual press that will do the final run.  This one came out a bit dark, so we have submitted a correction for the final print - we should be getting a new (and hopefully final) 'wet proof' of the cover in a few days.

Interior proof pages!
Above, a closeup of a stacke of the interior laser-proofs.

All of the page signatures stacked up!

A look inside at a couple of the interior signatures
Above are the 'ozalid' proofs of the interior pages - these are not printed on the final press, so they look very dark - but are used to show how the signatures/pages are arranged.
Next up are some pics of the 'dummy', a bound but blank example of the book using the same materials as our final print:

Bound book end
Above is an example of the bound book, on top of the Aegyptus hardcover.  It is printed with the same thickness of paper, so as you can see it is a little thinker due to the 56 additional pages.

Book end open
Also shown is the purple head/tail band, chosen to match the color of the WarGods logo, and provide an attractive finish to the binding:

Head/tail bands

The proof revisions should be happening in a few days, we'll post a new update when they arrive.
Thanks to everyone for their support, and we hope you are off to a great new year!
-Chris & Felicity FitzPatrick


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