Blog de WarGods_Fr dédié à la gamme de jeu WarGods (Ægyptus dans un premier temps puis Olympus et Hyperborea dans un second) crée par Crocodile Games. Ce blog a pour but de présenter la plupart des sujets de discussion de WarGods_Fr sous forme d'article, les gens peuvent commenter en répondant directement sur le Y!G. Le Grand Blup propose aussi un forum communautaire ici même (dont vous pouvez suivre le flux RSS ci-dessous).

vendredi 22 septembre 2017

Kickstarter - Immortal Figures: Gods of Olympus Tabletop Gaming Miniatures by Jacob Lewis


Un Kickstarter pour avoir quelques héros et demi-dieux pour pas trop cher.




The Stretch Goals

Stretch goal figures begin to unlock if we are able to exceed our campaign goals. Once a stretch goal is unlocked, backer Levels II-IV can add them to their order by increasing it by $5 per figure (additional shipping is not required).
We have already prepared the initial designs for our first four stretch goal figures. However, we have basic concept designs ready for at least a dozen more that we will begin posting if it looks like we might reach them. Our current additional designs include Hestia, Hyperion, Nemesis, Prometheus, Hecate, Hebe, Morpheus and Atlas. We also have one for Arachne that I really hope we get to produce because, well, we love it ever so much.
We haven't determined an order on the stretch goal figures beyond the first four, so if this project is able to exceed those goals, your comments on what you would like to see next will shape what we offer.

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