Blog de WarGods_Fr dédié à la gamme de jeu WarGods (Ægyptus dans un premier temps puis Olympus et Hyperborea dans un second) crée par Crocodile Games. Ce blog a pour but de présenter la plupart des sujets de discussion de WarGods_Fr sous forme d'article, les gens peuvent commenter en répondant directement sur le Y!G. Le Grand Blup propose aussi un forum communautaire ici même (dont vous pouvez suivre le flux RSS ci-dessous).

vendredi 23 novembre 2018

Cavalerie Amazones + Livre de règles Olympus


Retrouvez les règles pour la cavalerie à Olympus. Voilà donc les règles officielles pour la cavalerie. Pas eu le temps de mettre le nez dans les règles mais ça me donne des idées pour une unités d'élite pour les Escortes d'Osiris et Isis !! 

Le livre de règles d'Olympus sera en beta pour noël sous la forme d'un PDF disponible pour les backers. Bref encore du retard mais ça avance quand même. J'espère toutefois que si c'est en Beta on laissera le temps de faire remonter des commentaires. 314 pages (contre 288 pour Ægyptus) à décorttiquer.

Enfin Crocodile Games s'est équipé d'un nouvel appareil photo qui a l'air plutôt pas mal au regard des dernières vidéos et photos proposées. Je vous laissse juger.


Amazon cavalry rules & book update

Greeting backers!

What is that rumbling noise?  Like the distant sound of thunder, getting closer and closer!  Look, upon the horizon, a cloud of dust arises.  We  hear the high-pitched, piecing battle-cries, full of fury -- it is the Amazon horse-women, riding into battle!

Amazon cavalry rules

We've had a lot of requests to see the rules and background for the Amazon cavalry in WarGods of Olympus, so here they are at last! Below are 2 PDF links, the first goes to the actual warband listing for the Amazon cavalry, the other references a new section of the rules that deals with Mounted Characters.

You'll notice a few sentences with a page reference, like 'see page XXX'  This is not a mistake, they'll be corrected in the final printing of the book.  But because the page order may change a little as we are finishing the layout, we have not assigned actual page numbers to these references.  They'll literally be the last thing we change before we go to print, to be sure we get them all right.  So don't worry about them for now - most refer to sections that you can find in the Aegyptus book for now.

Click click click!

One of the biggest challenges we've had is getting our photos to look good enough for reproduction.  Before this year, we were using an old, battered Nikon Coolpix that was purchased by a fledgling Croc Games way back in 2002!  It was clear that it just was not good enough to get the shots we needed for the book, and so we've upgraded to a modern Canon Rebel... the first pics have come through on our recent Corinth release, and we're now reshooting the older Amazons taken with the old Nikon.  Felicity is making great strides with the photography, and we hope you'll agree!  Here are some larger photos of the 2 Amazon units in the PDF.  (The PDF is low resolution, but they should look super crisp in the printed book!) 

Check out the larger pictures:

Amazon Raiders
Amazon Raiders
Amazon Outriders
Amazon Outriders

Rulebook update

The rulebook has now reached a total page count of 314 pages! (compared to 288 in the Aegyptus 2nd Edition).  We're getting close to finishing the layout, and we'll be posting a 'beta' PDF version for Kickstarter backers to download in a few weeks (before Christmas.)  We've been working with a couple of our long-time players to try to catch as many errors as possible before we do this, and with their help we're making great strides towards the finish line. 

Thanks to everyone for their support, and Happy Thanksgiving to all!

-Chris & Felicity


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