* Peut-être des PDF de règles et autres offerts
* Les Corinthiens et Athéniens ne sont pas sculptés mais des concepts seront dévoilés bientôt car les 45k$ ont été dépassé. Vous avez vu qu'ils ont rajouté des demi-paliers à 500$ (PDF en cadeau...) c'est plutôt encourageant !!!
@Longstrider: With all the interest in the PDF, we're looking into it - we just need to pull the all the old files and compile everything, but I don't want to promise anything until we are sure we can do it. Give us a few days, and we'll see.Corinthians teaser coming soon. Remember, the Trojans, Amazons and Demigods are the models that are largely sculpted, and close to going into production. Corinthians and Athenians are have not reached the sculpture stage yet, but we can show off some cool art and their background.