Blog de WarGods_Fr dédié à la gamme de jeu WarGods (Ægyptus dans un premier temps puis Olympus et Hyperborea dans un second) crée par Crocodile Games. Ce blog a pour but de présenter la plupart des sujets de discussion de WarGods_Fr sous forme d'article, les gens peuvent commenter en répondant directement sur le Y!G. Le Grand Blup propose aussi un forum communautaire ici même (dont vous pouvez suivre le flux RSS ci-dessous).

lundi 17 octobre 2011

Latest News from Crocodile Games

Quelle surprise ce matin de recevoir la dernière newletter de Croco. Bon au final pas grand chose à ce mettre sous la dent mais bon. Le pack livre de règles – d'ailleurs si des gens sont intéressés je dois pouvoir vous vendre un bouquin 12€ plus les frais de port – et le Croc Tales 7 attendu depuis des lustres – qui contient les règles des Mycéniens.
Au passage un beau logo pour Halloween. Enjoy !
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2011 12:55 AM
To: Benoit
Subject: Latest News from Crocodile Games
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Crocodile Games Newsletter
WarGods of Aegyptus, 2nd Edition Rulebook,
Only $10!

This is the final week of our "Amazing $10 Book Sale!" 

Over the last 2 months, we've managed to move nearly an entire pallet of these books out of the warehouse -- just a few cases of sale books are left.  We'll be accepting orders for the $10 WarGods rulebooks until midnight, October  23, and after that the books will return to their normal retail price of $30 each. 

Get your orders in now, and heck, order one for that friend of yours you have been trying to get into the game!

Click here to order your copy.

We have also put together a CLUB PACKAGE for our international customers who want to order enough books for their whole gaming group. We can fit nine books into a large flat rate USPS Priority Mail box and ship it anywhere in the world for $120. That includes the
price of shipping! That's NINE books shipped to your doorstep for $120, only $13.33 per book.

Club Special


Croc Tales 7 Coming Soon! 

Keep an eye on the website for Croc Tales 7, heading your way in late October!

Copyright (C) 2011 Crocodile Games All rights reserved.

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